Be A Fierce Bear about Your Art

You have to know the value of what you create. To me, whether it’s my visual art or my writing, it is the Divine Voice speaking with my voice and hands. Its value is incalculable. Never let anyone dissuade you … Continue reading

Are You A Writer or Author?

Do you know where to publish your articles and stories? I’ve added a rich list of various places to publish at the end of this note — you’ll want to bookmark and save this — lots of good info. Maybe … Continue reading

Teachers: Make Money Selling Your Lessons

Here’s something that surprised me recently – did you know you can sell your lesson plans? You can! And people pay dearly for them! You can also sell your worksheets, class exercises, reading guides, and other helpful educational resources! ARE … Continue reading

Get Your Audience Settled, whether Live or On Zoom

You’re about to lead a workshop or presentation. You want to begin, but your audience comes into the space full of energy, busy-busy chatting, walking around, chaotic. This is for you. What I’m about to show you works for in-person, … Continue reading


Recently when I was speaking with my advisor about a business and marketing plan we were creating for my coaching, I started to get really sleepy. I felt like if I didn’t lie down right now I would simply collapse … Continue reading


Annie and I allowed ourselves to face the debilitating beliefs we had about ourselves, money, and business. Here’s what happened. Not too long ago, my buddy Annie and I got together on zoom, and did some inside work on our … Continue reading


How we can drum in a new era of joy, peace, beauty, and love. I guess I’m still an old hippie at heart. I look at what’s going down in the world right now, and remember the 60s, and how … Continue reading


I had deeply internalized all those negative, destructive messages and made them into my own beliefs that >I< was a failure, that >I< was the one to blame, and that >I< would ‘never make it’ – I attended an intense … Continue reading


You’re writing a book! That’s great! You’re going to help people, entertain them, introduce them to something new and/or innovative, or even change the world with your ideas. Let’s say you’re a therapist or health or emotions specialist, and you … Continue reading


Recently I’ve been creating a 1-2-3 systems webinar for teaching authors how to make their own audio books. Why audio books, you ask? Because although it’s easy to publish kindle books on amazon, you can get your audio books onto … Continue reading


People ask me how they can support their favorite artists if they can’t buy from them. Here are a few ideas you can try. • Do you know any gallery owners? If you think your fave artist’s work would fit … Continue reading


I was very honored to be invited to be the featured guest of the Lone Star Dowsers monthly meeting last week (July 28, 2021)! First we went into dowsing, then EFT/tapping – pretty deeply. I’ve been using dowsing for 40 … Continue reading


This is dedicated to any frustrated artist… I attended an intense marketing workshop today. It made me cry. It put me right smack dab up against the years of deep conditioning I have fought my entire life. I absolutely loved … Continue reading

Stop Center-Justifying Your Text! It’s too Hard to Read, and You’re Losing Your Readers!

Do you know the sure sign of an amateur graphic designer or copywriter? It’s when they create lengthy text in a document that is center-justified. Lengthy meaning over 55 characters wide, and longer than 5 to 10 lines. Here’s an … Continue reading

Time to Raise Your Prices!

Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading

Happy 2017!!!

How many years have you set great goals for the new year…and ended up not doing them – and then feeling bad about it? Ugh! Me too. And not only that, but on top of not doing what I said … Continue reading

“She Betrayed Me!”

My friend “Benji,” a coloring book artist, told me that, after discussing with her friend an idea that she was working on, that same friend went off and created and published the very same kind of work. “What really bugged … Continue reading

COLOR: Special Collector’s Edition

Celebrating! My first hard-cover collector’s edition of my abstract paintings is finally out! This is huge for me! Huge! I’m so very excited about it! I’m adding pix of a whole bunch of pages below to let you see how … Continue reading

Do You Allow Your Inner Guidance?

Have you ever wanted to keep doing something you love, but it just seemed like something was in the way? I’ve felt like that. I couldn’t figure out what what to do. Finally, I made a very simple, very powerful … Continue reading

Twisted Tales Book #2 is out!

The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic I’m so excited to announce that book #2 in the Twisted Tales series, The Big Bad Wolf Steals the Magic, is now ready in print on and also on the Kindle! I … Continue reading

Do You Speak UP?

“How Do You Speak Up Fearlessly?” I’ve been speaking up a lot on Facebook about the recent situation in Indiana where war has pretty much been declared on gay people. They are trying to instigate a new law there saying … Continue reading

Courage, Clarity & Confidence

What happens when you lack courage? You think about what you’d like to do…but then you just cave in and don’t do it, right? Repeatedly. And then you wonder why you aren’t where you want to be in your life … Continue reading

I Posted, “I Need A Hug!” and Got over 100!

Do you ask for what you want … and get it? Last week I had a pretty big upset about something. It ran very deep, and made me feel like I wanted to just pop out of my skin and … Continue reading

Wish You Had Someone Who’d Listen to You & Give You Insights, Strategies & Action Steps?

That’s me. I’ll absolutely do that for you! I’m really good at it, because I really care about you and want you to succeed – whatever that personally means for you. And I have this amazing (even to me!) knack … Continue reading

I’m Back! Retiring Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be!

Many years ago, my dad, who was a sought-after executive recruiter in New York City, retired at the age of 65. (Yup, he really did wear bow-ties – and tied them himself – none of those cheater clip on things!) … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Use the Secret Mirror?

If you have ever felt like you just didn’t have it in you to do something (like marketing your work!), and dithered along believing that you just couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to even try – for months! years! … Continue reading

I Love Low-Key Marketing!

I’m not a hypester or brash self-promo kind of person, so pushing my work has always been hard for me. I mention my latest article HERE because, yes, of course I want you to go see my artwork and read … Continue reading

Dianne Collins on Daring Dreamers Radio: Do You Know How to Quantum Think?

I’m really pleased to bring you Dianne Collins, the amazing woman who wrote, Do You Quantum Think? New Thinking that Will Rock Your World. I think most of us can relate to what Dianne discusses re living your dream and … Continue reading

No More Living Life Like a Zombie!

How do you go about announcing that you feel like you’re coming back from the land of the almost-dead? Well. Maybe that says it! See, five years ago, I had two near-fatal internal organ failures. I got into surgery by … Continue reading

3 Invitations! I invite you to choose 1, 2 or even all 3 options below. When you click on the links, you’ll be taken to the signup forms. Please enter your name and email address, so you can receive my … Continue reading