What Do You Do to Come Back to Your Senses?

Do you ever start something and end up doing something completely and utterly radically different? I fought it, but that’s what happened today. I started out tonight intending to write a story about a disastrous sailing adventure I had when … Continue reading

Can You Really Make Good Money with Your Art?

If you are not an artist, stick around, because I’m going to show you how you can help your artist friends. If you ARE an artist – well! See what you can do! A couple months ago, I enrolled in … Continue reading

What Do You Do if Someone Steals Your Art?

A fellow artist asked me: You’ve sent a company your images to see if they’d like to carry your line on their products. How do you know they won’t steal your artwork and put it on their products and sell … Continue reading

What Makes Your Presentations So Special?

I want you to be out front, SEEN, and appreciated. Here are seven tips you can employ right now that will help you be more brilliant than you already are. Are you writing, podcasting, or delivering webinars? Amongst a million … Continue reading

Be A Fierce Bear about Your Art

You have to know the value of what you create. To me, whether it’s my visual art or my writing, it is the Divine Voice speaking with my voice and hands. Its value is incalculable. Never let anyone dissuade you … Continue reading

What Inspires You?

I was taught that “great artists wait for inspiration to come to them, and then they create.” So obviously, if I wanted to become a great artist, I needed to wait for inspiration to come. Well that’s just total BS. … Continue reading

I Had A Tantrum Yesterday, and It Wasn’t Pretty

Finding out I had zero choice set me on fire. I can usually put up with automated customer service, whether on the phone, or online chat. But this time? Oh my. We bought a new mattress/box-spring set from a company … Continue reading

Teachers: Make Money Selling Your Lessons

Here’s something that surprised me recently – did you know you can sell your lesson plans? You can! And people pay dearly for them! You can also sell your worksheets, class exercises, reading guides, and other helpful educational resources! ARE … Continue reading


Recently when I was speaking with my advisor about a business and marketing plan we were creating for my coaching, I started to get really sleepy. I felt like if I didn’t lie down right now I would simply collapse … Continue reading


How we can drum in a new era of joy, peace, beauty, and love. I guess I’m still an old hippie at heart. I look at what’s going down in the world right now, and remember the 60s, and how … Continue reading


Recently I’ve been creating a 1-2-3 systems webinar for teaching authors how to make their own audio books. Why audio books, you ask? Because although it’s easy to publish kindle books on amazon, you can get your audio books onto … Continue reading


I was very honored to be invited to be the featured guest of the Lone Star Dowsers monthly meeting last week (July 28, 2021)! First we went into dowsing, then EFT/tapping – pretty deeply. I’ve been using dowsing for 40 … Continue reading


This is dedicated to any frustrated artist… I attended an intense marketing workshop today. It made me cry. It put me right smack dab up against the years of deep conditioning I have fought my entire life. I absolutely loved … Continue reading


WHAT DO YOU PUT UP WITH? Last weekend, I got a call from a man I hadn’t heard from in 20+ years. At first I was glad to hear from him. But then – He didn’t ask if it was … Continue reading

Stop Center-Justifying Your Text! It’s too Hard to Read, and You’re Losing Your Readers!

Do you know the sure sign of an amateur graphic designer or copywriter? It’s when they create lengthy text in a document that is center-justified. Lengthy meaning over 55 characters wide, and longer than 5 to 10 lines. Here’s an … Continue reading

Time to Raise Your Prices!

Last weekend, I went down to the local art center where about 50 artists run a coop gallery so I could sign up for the Open Studios Art Tour. I was pleased to see some pretty good work there. And … Continue reading

Happy 2017!!!

How many years have you set great goals for the new year…and ended up not doing them – and then feeling bad about it? Ugh! Me too. And not only that, but on top of not doing what I said … Continue reading

Courage, Clarity & Confidence

What happens when you lack courage? You think about what you’d like to do…but then you just cave in and don’t do it, right? Repeatedly. And then you wonder why you aren’t where you want to be in your life … Continue reading

I’m Back! Retiring Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be!

Many years ago, my dad, who was a sought-after executive recruiter in New York City, retired at the age of 65. (Yup, he really did wear bow-ties – and tied them himself – none of those cheater clip on things!) … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Use the Secret Mirror?

If you have ever felt like you just didn’t have it in you to do something (like marketing your work!), and dithered along believing that you just couldn’t do it, or didn’t want to even try – for months! years! … Continue reading

What Would You Have to Believe….

I heard this question from someone and thought it was brilliant: “What would you have to believe about yourself in order to feel successful?” For me, it first brought up the question of what success meant to me. I had … Continue reading

Jondi Whitis of EFT Radio Interviews Author, Artist, Biz Coach Angela Treat Lyon

I was interviewed by EFT Tap Fest’s Jondi Whitis last week, as to “Why You MUST Show Up.” We had a blast, talking about how critical it is right now in our human journey to speak our truths, to show … Continue reading

Why Doing What You Hate is a Life-Killer

If you have a job or are doing something right now where you spend most of your time hating what you do, this is for you. Be careful what you choose to do. Why? Because as you spend your life … Continue reading

“How DARE You Call Me A Dead Weight?”

I sent out an email to my list yesterday, asking people for feedback and input on issues they wanted to solve. At the end, I wrote this: “…if you’re not willing to put yourself out and do something for yourself, … Continue reading

Come See Me on Spiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory!

AND…as if good things don’t happen alone…how cool is this? I was featured today on Spiritus, the spiritual marketing directory – a nice shorty article on my thoughts about spirituality integrated with biz. GET TO IT HERE. Are you a … Continue reading

Interviewed Today by Malinda Zarate at EmboldenedHeart.com!

I was so pleased to have been interviewed today by Malinda Zarate of EmboldenedHeart.com. She invites guests every month who she feels contributes to the invisible, energetic growth of our planet – what an honor to have been invited! We … Continue reading

How Do You Feel When It’s Time to Ask for Your Fees?

When it’s time to ask your potential client or your customer for the money, what happens to you? How do you feel? •   Squeamish? •   Guilty? •   Ashamed? •   Like your services ‘should’ be free? •   Does a little voice … Continue reading

Shifting Gears into New Levels of Success and Fun

What a week! Once you make a commitment to change your life, watch out! Because change it will! Whew! When I decided to focus on doing and marketing my art more, things suddenly changed from feeling like a little trickling … Continue reading