Please Do NOT Set Goals This Year if You Want Awesome Results!

Don't set goals!You and I both know what happens to most goals. I won’t even go there.

Here’s a way to approach setting what you want to do in the next 12 months that will make it easier and your dreams more attainable.

1. Allow yourself to Dream Dreams instead of ‘goals.’ Dreams are more fun, have more scope, are more colorful, feel really good and are full of great people.

2. Go ahead and write out your Dreams in any order. Just allow what you really want (thank the nay-sayer voices in your head for sharing, and tell them they can squawk later – and of course tap on them, too! *), and allow those dreams and ideas you’ve held onto for so long to come out into the light of day on paper.

3. Now choose the top 3 Dreams you like the most and put them at the top of a list, your less favorites on the way to and at the bottom.

4. Take that top 3 and ask yourself: what nano steps you can implement TODAY (or ASAP) to get you just that much closer to your Dreams’ fulfillment.

5. DECIDE to take those steps, and then DO them.

6. Repeat more nano steps every day until your Dream is fulfilled.

You can have concurrently running Dreams of course – just make sure you DO the nano steps!

By June, you’ll be way farther than you thought you’d be!

Taking those nano steps is the secret – focusing on big goals is too big, too scary, too intimidating.

Focusing on little weeny steps one day at a time is so easy you’ll laugh your way into your biggest, coolest, funnest, most pleasurable Dreams sooner than you think.

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