101 Ways to Live to 100: Mellen Thomas Benedict

mellen-thomasSometimes I see waves of popularity run through my ebooks and audios.

For some reason, Mellen Thomas Benedict has been really up in the charts recently, so I figured you might want to check this out:

A while ago, Mellen Thomas Benedict and I created a teleseminar on 101 Ways to Live to 100: The Secrets of How to Thwart Aging! Debunking Common Aging Myths! CLICK HERE TO GET IT

Why? Because I wanted everyone to know his story! It’s incredible!

Mellen died from a heavy duty case of brain cancer. He spent a considerable amount of time dead – completely flat-lined – but suddenly came back, whole – without brain damage!

He has dedicated his life since then to sharing the extensive information he received on ‘the other side,’ and his highly evolved inventions that help people live longer in increased health. You’ll love the teleclass we did together:

101 Ways to Live to 100: The Secrets of How to Thwart Aging! Debunking Common Aging Myths! CLICK HERE TO GET IT

(You also get a very cool FREEbie: the incredible story about how Visionary Mellen Thomas Benedict died from brain cancer and came back.)

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